Ban on Street Drinking Should Continue – says Warrington BID
Warrington Business Improvement District is supporting proposals to uphold the present ban on street drinking and anti-social behaviour in the town centre.
Warrington Borough Council has launched a public consultation to renew the current borough wide alcohol Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) as part of the Warrington Community Safety Partnership’s wider work to improve safety in public spaces.
If re-introduced, the PSPO would serve as a continuation of the arrangements already in place, which were introduced in 2018.
Consultation related to the PSPO seeks views from the public as to whether they would like to see the re-introduction of the current order for a further three years.
Warrington BID Manager, Nick White says, ‘Continuation of the PSPO is fundamental to making the town a cleaner and safer place to visit and work. Warrington BID is committed to working with police and the Council street team to control problems with individuals and groups of drinkers intimidating the public, by confiscating alcohol and dealing with anti-social behaviour. Enforcement is vital to the revival and recovery of the high street.
The public consultation on the proposals is now under way and runs for four weeks, until 5pm on Wednesday 24 March 2021. For more information and to contribute to the consultation, visit or email [email protected].