Museum Open Day
Warrington Museum & Art Gallery and Central Library are delighted to welcome back our visitors with a jam-packed family-friendly programme. Take part in our free environmental-themed workshops and activities and enjoy our new exhibitions and performances.
(All children must be accompanied by an adult)
Library: (Ground floor)
11am-11:30am: Storytelling for ages 3-6
11am-12pm: Made.Digital Code workshops ages 6+ (first come first served)
12-3pm: Made.Digital Augmented Reality Colouring workshops ages 6+ (drop-in)
11am / 12:30pm / 2pm: Join artist Anita Young drawing items of taxidermy from the Museum collections
(first come first served)
All day: See Cameron Brown’s new mural in the Search Room for the first time.
All day: Library and Museum Trial: Can you spot the hidden characters? Trail sheet available from Library desk.
All day: RSPB stall
Museum and Gallery: (Upper floors)
10am-3pm: Crafternoons are back! Join us for a full day of drop-in craft workshops.
11am / 1pm: Ambient electric guitar soundscapes from Chelytherium (Craig Miller)
12pm / 2pm: Sea Shanties from Trim Rig and A Doxy
1-3pm: As part of Ruby Tingle’s Lagoons exhibition watch out for two performers in costumes roaming the galleries
All day: There are three brand new exhibitions to see: Ruby Tingle’s Lagoons, Steve Sutton’s Precarious Existence and Christopher Shaw’s Patiently Waiting. All three exhibitions occupy multiple spaces within the museum so surprises can be found in unexpected places. In addition, Daisy James’ installation Work in Progress has been added to enhance the Warrington Stories Gallery, while there are three newly acquired works by Warrington trained artists Sir Luke Fildes and Herry Woods on show in the Large Art Gallery for the first time.