Sky Garden team launch event programme to introduce the rooftop ‘urban oasis’ to new visitors

Green-fingered Warrington residents are being invited to a ‘garden swap shop’ next month where they can also learn about a little urban oasis which is on their doorstep.

Culture Warrington worked alongside Golden Square to launch the ‘Sky Garden’ on the top floor of the shopping centre’s car park last year and is now inviting more people to come and see what it is all about.

Designed as a ‘living addition’ to Warrington Museum’s natural history offer, the rooftop garden is for educational projects where young people can learn about the environment and growing food.

But it is also a tranquil place, full of colour, where anyone can come to sit, eat, rest and take a brief pause from urban life.

On Thursday, 13 April, all are welcome to come to the Sky Garden between 1pm and 3pm to swap or just take things like seeds, seedlings and pots to encourage growing at home.

Culture Warrington’s Amanda Moore, who is leading on the project, said: “It would be lovely to see some new faces at the garden swap shop. You don’t necessarily need to bring anything – if you’re curious about the Sky Garden, you can simply come along, have a look around and ask us any questions.

“We’re really enthusiastic about promoting Warrington as a more biodiverse place to live and work and it’s a message we’re spreading far and wide.

“I’ll be giving a talk about the garden at Manchester Museum in June and the swap shop will kick-start a programme of monthly events which we hope will introduce the site to a whole range of new people.”

Other drop-in community focused events include an introduction to herbs on 27 July, a family friendly Garden Festival on 17 August and an autumn harvest on 16 September where visitors can pick their own produce for free to make salads or sandwiches.

For more details, keep an eye on Warrington Museum and Culture Warrington’s social media nearer the time.

The rooftop Sky Garden is on the top floor of Golden Square’s car park but can be a little hard to find at first. The top floor can be accessed via the lift near Starbucks in the shopping centre. Go out of the doors on the roof and head out then turn right towards the grey building. The garden is behind this.